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The Winners of the International Classical Music Awards – ICMA 2019

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ICMA - Official Logo WINNERThe Jury of the International Classical Music Awards () announced today the Awards for 2019. Brazilian pianist Nelson Freire is honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Spanish pianist Javier Perianes is Artist of the Year, Croatian bassoonist is Young Artist of the Year. The Discovery Award is awarded to 14-year-old Russian pianist Eva Gevorgyan.

Ars Produktion is the Label of the Year, and the newly created Composer Award goes to Spanish composer Francisco Coll. A Special Award is conferred to the Swiss music manager Numa Bischof Ullmann, General Manager of the Lucerne Symphony. In the Audio and Video categories, 19 productions are awarded a prize. The Lucerne Symphony Orchestra is honouring American-Dutch violinist , 22, with the Orchestra Award.

Among the artists performing on the winning audio and video releases are

– instrumentalists Maxim Emelyanychev, , , , Denes Varjon, , Tabea Zimmermann and

– singers , Ildebrando D'Arcangelo, Elsa Dreisig, Barbara Hannigan, Anna Prohaska, Dorothea Röschmann, Albina Shagimuratova

– conductors , Mark Elder, Tönu Kaljuste, Kirill Karabits, , Jakob Lehmann, Hannu Lintu, , Esa-Pekka Salonen, Leif Segerstam,

– Anima Eterna Brugge, Concerto Palatino, Berliner Barock Solisten, Peregrina Ensemble, Wroclaw Baroque Orchestra, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment

, Gürzenich-Orchester Köln, NFM Wroclaw Philharmonic, Orchestra dell', Orchestre National de Montpellier, Paris Opera Orchestra, Staatskapelle Berlin, , Turku Philharmonic Orchestra.

President Remy Franck says: « Only an international jury like ours can choose such an impressive, international range of winners, with productions from 18 labels and eight different countries. I am particularly happy that our jury does not only focus on long-established musicians, but also closely monitors a wide variety of labels, allowing the discovery of outstanding recordings by young artists, like the ones we have this year with Elsa Dreisig, our Young Artist of the Year 2017, with violinist and cellist . This proves again that at the less well-known musicians and smaller independent labels also have a chance. For us, only musical quality and integrity are important. »

The complete list of the 2019 ICMA Awards is available in the dedicated section of our website.

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